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Downloading and Running MidiIllustrator

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Q:  MidiIllustrator won't start, nothing happens when I run the program or click the icon?  Problems with Antivirus and Windows Controlled Folder Access.

In most reported cases where MI does not run properly, the problem is related to overly cautious Antivirus solutions or Windows "Controlled Folder Access".

These systems prevent MI (and many other programs) from saving or accessing scores, settings and configuration files. MI may not run properly or at all, sometimes without warning from the Antivirus or Controlled Folder Access which is 'protecting' files in the Windows user's 'Documents' folders.

Please note that temporarily disabling antivirus is not enough to allow some programs to run properly (nor is it recommended!), the antivirus often continues to operate when deactivated.

You must explicitly whitelist (allow) MI.exe in the antivirus software and also ensure that you allow MI as an exception with Windows "Controlled Folder Access" if you have it enabled.

MidiIllustrator must be able to access/write to the locations where scores and MI options are stored.

More information from Microsoft about Windows Controlled Folder Access.

The usual path for the Windows user's 'Documents' folder is:

C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\Rallentando Software

and the default MidiIllustrator executable path is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Rallentando Software\MidiIllustrator Maestro 4\MI.exe


C:\Program Files (x86)\Rallentando Software\MidiIllustrator Virtuoso 4\MI.exe


Q:  I really would like to try this program, but I can't get it to download.  Can you email it to me?
A:  Occasionally, Internet traffic levels can mean that the MidiIllustrator trial setup file is slow to download or temporarily 'unavailable'.  If this happens, please try downloading again later.

To retry from our website:

We can only email the MidiIllustrator trial setup file to you as a last resort, as many ISPs (Internet Service Providers) do not allow attachments as large as the trial setup file.  Please contact us if you would like a copy emailed to you.