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MIDI files, Playback and Sound

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Q:  Where can I find MIDI files?
A:  MidiIllustrator can import files of type .MID and .KAR and convert these 'raw' music files into sheet music.  A number of sample files of type .MID are included with the program in the "Samples" folder.  These files are a good place to start when first finding your way around MidiIllustrator.

You can learn more about finding, downloading and notating MIDI files with our simple Step by Step Guide.

You can find many more MIDI (.MID) files at the sites we list here:

For example, at the Mutopia site you can find many free classical works by famous composers.  An example at the Mutopia site would be:

On this page, find one of the .MID file links, for example:

Right click the MIDI file link and choose "Save Target As" and download the file to your computer.  Now you can open the downloaded MIDI file using MidiIllustrator, and it will be converted to sheet music. You can then view, print or play back the music.

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Q:  I have connected my MIDI piano keyboard to the computer.  Can I automatically play along using the instrument sound on a particular track?  Right now, it always plays the instrument I have configured in 'Echo Instrument' setup.
A:  Yes.  With a right click on the track select button (Track Tools) the MIDI echo device will instantly adopt the given track's instrument.