Edit Menu commands

The Edit menu offers the following commands:

Undo Reverses the last change made to the current score.  You can undo more than one action by repeatedly selecting this command.  The number of changes that can be undone/redone in sequence is limited only by the amount of free disk space on your system.

Undo and the Current View

MidiIllustrator attempts to retain the current zoom, view and mode when undoing/redoing to a previous/future state (rather than restoring the zoom/view/mode of that other undo state).  This generally makes the transition to a different state much smoother.

Changing to a new undo state when the new state is a Practice Session will generate a warning as many non practice features are disabled in this state.

Undo Grouping

Undo commands are grouped so that similar commands are undone/redone as a unit.  If, for example, a number of notes or chords are delete one at a time in a certain measure, then applying the undo command will restore all notes deleted in that measure in one go.  As soon as the delete operation moves into a new measure, a separate 'unit' of deleted notes is identified and the deletion would be undone as a second undo command, and so forth.

Redo Allows the reversal of an Undo command providing it is used immediately after the Undo action has been made. Subsequent changes to the score will render the Redo command inactive to earlier Undo commands, but it will still reverse the last Undo action performed.
Cut, Copy, Paste MidiIllustrator Maestro Only Feature Using the MidiIllustrator clipboard in Edit Mode you can cut, copy and paste notation from one part of the score to another, or even to another score.  More information on how to use these functions...
Select Notation can be selected using the mouse, with the keyboard, or with these commands.

The "Select Item(s) at Cursor" commands allow selection of notes to the left or right of the current cursor position.  These commands can be called as keyboard shortcuts and allow you start and extend note selections very quickly indeed.  Only note selections can be initiated in this way, though other selection types can be extended using these commands (see below).

Rests can only be selected in Edit Mode.

Selecting Chords, Groups of Notes, and Extending the Existing Selection

Once a note, rest or lyric is selected, repeating the command will select any other items in that same time (most useful for quickly selecting a complete chord of notes).  Repeating the command or selecting in the opposite direction at this stage will extend the existing selection in that direction, immediately selecting all notes in the bounds of the selection.

Note:  To initiate a lyric or rest selection, you must left-click a lyric or rest with the mouse.

"Select All..." enables you to select all the notes, lyrics, bookmarks, staves, chord names or guitar frets on the current score providing they are visible.  "Select Nothing" deselects everything previously selected.

Advanced Note Selection... Opens the Advanced Note Selection Dialog allowing you to make note selections in the score using many different criteria.
Switch Between Cursor and Selection This command toggles between displaying the cursor, and selecting any note or rest at the current cursor insertion point.  In multi-voice measures where both notes and rests occur at the cursor insert time, notes will be selected over rests.